Angels are all over the Christmas story – from the Angel Gabriel popping in to visit Mary, to the huge angelic choir singing in the skies over the gathered shepherds. So, are angels still appearing to people today? On this special Christmas edition, our guest Mike Robinson, says that they are.
Mike tells us about his encounter with an angel at a time when he felt extremely discouraged, and how her song boosted his confidence and helped him face the music in a difficult job situation. We talk about how God rescued Mike and his family from a terrible car crash that should have ended in disaster. Mike believes God intervened with the protection of some mighty angels.
We also hear about the incredible healing Mike’s experienced on more than one occasion and talk about how God is present in all our circumstances today – even in our sickness.
Listen in to learn some simple approaches to sharing the good news of Jesus with your neighbours and friends during the Christmas season. And, be reminded of the very best way to welcome “Emmanuel, God with us” into your own life this year.