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63: Ben & Jenni Tice

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Show Notes

Have you ever been in a situation where there’s a clear need? Have you prayed, asking God to meet the need in front of you, only to be surprised when God asks you to be the one to provide the solution? On this week’s edition we meet Jenni and Ben Tice, founders of Lily Pad Inc. There is a shortage in foster homes, and it’s difficult to place children quickly. Often children and youth must stay overnight in the offices of their care workers, while waiting for placement in a foster home. Image how that feels – already traumatized and now having to sleep on a blowup bed or under a desk in a strange office. Case managers do their very best, but foster parents Ben and Jenni realized there could be a better way. They knew God was calling them to do something about this issue, and Lily Pad was born. With the help of volunteers, Lily Pad (a donation funded charity) reveals God by establishing and maintaining a safe space for vulnerable youth. They create comfortable, secure, and familiar rooms where children can have a soft place to land before they are placed into a foster care home. This organization is revealing God in extraordinary ways, using very ordinary means. As you listen to our conversation you will be encouraged to allow God to use you in your ordinary too, wherever that may be. There are no excuses – when God calls, we answer. Are you willing?


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